Bioanalytics is an analytical chemistry business focused on reliably detecting
and quantifying stress-related chemicals in various bodily tissues/fluids,
including hair and fingernails.
As our primary service, we offer prompt and economical service to
measure hair cortisol concentrations (HCC). Our current capacity is 12,000
samples annually. Besides HCC, we measure salivary and nail cortisol,
testosterone, corticosterone, and progesterone in a variety of species; we also
assess salivary alpha-amylase activity; in addition, we have direct experience
measuring blood glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL/HDL, TNF-alpha, sICAM,
IL-6, and CRP in hundreds of samples.
The top-notch quality of data (low RSDs and LOD), validations, and advanced protocol development are a priority for us. As customers, you should expect reliability and promptness from Stress Bioanalytics. We are also determined to make the work experience for our employees and interns at our company of value and satisfaction.